Artist Talk Series (Part 3)
Bram Keast
8pm — November 28 2018
Bram Keast is a painter and printmaker from Winnipeg. His practice is a slow process of response to and interpretation of his environment and emotional state, interests and imagination. His recent work explores sensory knowledge from a disability perspective and the space of instability between perception and understanding. Through constructed environments that create a space of meaningful ambiguity, he explores how our understanding of sensory information is influenced and mediated by the conditions of perception.
Blinkers approached Katrina Mendoza to be the first speaker within the series. Katrina then approached Dee Barsy to do a talk. Dee then asked Bram, who will then ask another artist, etc., for a total of five talks. We are excited to see where the series will go as we follow each individual artist's engagement with a diverse set of practices.
Each talk will be around 45 minutes, with informal conversation/questions to follow. All talks are free and open to everyone.
We will be posting a transcript/recording of the talk here soon, so stay tuned and thank you for your patience!
Other Talks in the Series
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