520 Hargrave St.

Winnipeg, Manitoba

by appointment: Sat. & Sun. 12-6

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Artist Talk Series (Part 1)

Katrina Mendoza

8pm — October 24 2018

Katrina Marie Mendoza is a Winnipeg artist who combines schematic digital drawings with found material in continual reassembly. Her interests lie in drawings as projections of space, the possibility of their becoming objects and the limits of their isolated vocabulary.

Blinkers approached Katrina Mendoza to be the first speaker within the series. The contributors for the rest of the series will be selected by the previous participating artist. Katrina will program the next artist talk, then that artist will ask another artist, etc., for a total of five talks. We are excited to see where the series will go as we follow each individual artist's engagement with a diverse set of practices.

Each talk will be around 45 minutes, with informal conversation/questions to follow. All talks are free and open to everyone.

We will be posting a transcript/recording of the talk here soon, so stay tuned and thank you for your patience!

Other Talks in the Series

Part 2: Dee Barsy