520 Hargrave St.

Winnipeg, Manitoba

by appointment: Sat. & Sun. 12-6

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Patrick Klassen: I'll Decide

January 18 - March 1 2019

If painting is going to take time and money from me, I’m going to disrespect it as much as I can.

Through an accumulation of new painting and sculpture [I’ll Decide] explores relationships of power between art object and artist. Within Klassen’s work, paintings act as anthropomorphic beings. Painting holds strong authority over his thoughts and actions. The overwhelming impulse to paint is a source of perpetual anger and frustration.

In his disorganized studio, Klassen uses faulty tools and subpar stretchers. He does not not allow paint to touch the canvas, and does not have enough canvas. The framework creates a tense dynamic between the medium and the artist. Painting drives Klassen. He retaliates through small, aggressive gestures of power.

The works in I’ll Decide rely on error and casualist strategies to become cursory by-products of process.The lack of a cohesive style and format in the final works is irrelevant.

About Patrick Klassen

Patrick Klassen is a painter currently based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. His exhibitions consolidate painting and sculpture to create self-deprecating, self-canceling, provisional works. Klassen holds a BFA (honours) from the University of Manitoba.


Special thanks to our community sponsor, Video Pool Media Arts Centre


Press Release coming soon.

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